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I Play Video Games...

Writer's picture: davidgillmandavidgillman

Updated: Apr 29, 2019 I don't have to talk to anyone.

Video games are a useful tool, giving players something enjoyable and challenging.

They can potentially build your problem solving skills.

They keep your mind active.

They make people better at visual tasks.

They help players increase their mental processing speed.

They help players have better memories.

They can improve your ability to multitask with better hand/eye coordination.

Unfortunately they can also be addictive.

They can keep a child, teenager or adult so focused on playing that they can begin to lose track of their lives. They forget appointments, chores, physical fitness.

They can also cause you to become antisocial, cutting you off from friends and family and limiting your social abilities. In short, you can become reclusive, stunting your personal development.

Perhaps you're using game-playing in order to avoid having to interact with people. This could be for many reasons, perhaps your self-confidence is low or you could have been through a traumatic time and gaming helped you avoid thinking about it. Mindlessly playing games for hours on end means you don't have to think about issues you'd rather not confront or a particular person or group of people you would rather avoid. If either one of these is the case, then you're well on the way to solving one behavioural problem, avoidance, by taking on a worse behavioural problem, addiction.

In serious cases, gamers have been documented as being abusive to their spouses or family members when they wish to be left alone, refusing to treat their family member respectfully or humanely. Focus on gaming can also lead to seriously disruptive sleeping habits, which exacerbates the problem, making it even more difficult to work, study or interact with their environment.

Other factors for gamers could be that they feel isolated at school, bullied, or uninterested in their subjects, preferring to interact with a device that fulfils their need for instant gratification.

A computer game is something they have control of when they may feel they have control of very little else in their lives.

Then, of course, there are the financial ramifications. Perhaps you’re spending money on games and /or in-game purchases, rather than necessities. This ads more pressure and escalates an already challenging situation.

Identifying the cycle of computer game addiction is a good first step. The next step is taking action to break the cycle.

Ask yourself what would you like to experience in life that a computer game cannot give you? Bungee jumping? Surfing? Dating? Building a secure solid financial foundation so you no longer have money problems?

Identify the costs in lifestyle, be it financial or interpersonal relations.

Identify the costs in terms of time. How much time would you free up if you cut back or stopped playing? How could you use this time to make your life better?

There are so many angles on these types of problems but thankfully there are also many solutions to turn this situation around. You need to find one that suits your particular circumstances.

To find out more, contact me here...


Contact: David Gillman - The Mindset Mechanic

Mob: 0481152683

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